Monday, October 31, 2011

Transform Tool 2.3

Hello again, I've added new interesting functionality in Transform Tool ver. 2.3 and today I would like to share it with you. First of all I've added ability to set box which will be used as boundaries for tool. Also you can specify snapping grid, you can use it in two different variants. First when you not specify "fraction" (fraction - the maximum delta value between grid line cross and actual position of transform tool that leads to snapping). If you not specify it then it will always jump by grid, see example below. Press view source context menu to get source code. 

And second when you specify "fraction", see example below. Press view source context menu to get source code. 

Also I added supporting guidelines. Currently they are supported only by MoveOperation. See a little bit more complex example below. Press view source context menu to get source code. 

Here you can change target of transformation simply clicking on different images. Move them around to see guidelines.

SWC: Transform Tool 2 version 2.3.
Source code: Project home page.
ASDoc:  API ASDoc.
Required Flex SDK version: SDK 4.5

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Transform Tool 2 Sample 2

Hello, this is second post about Transform Tool 2 component I built. 
Let me show you how to connect component with target object. For this purpose I created IConnector interface and 3 classes  that implements it:
  1. SimpleConnector. This class is the simpliest and fastest one, it used to connect transform tool and target object in case they are in the same coordinate space (in the same ui container). Actually it connects transform tool and model of target object, see example below. Press view source context menu to get source code. 

    To simplify you can use SimpleTransformTool which is combined transform tool with simple data connector.

  2. DataConnector. Connector which connects model of target with transform tool. Target of transformation and transform tool can be placed in different coordinate space. To specify target coordinate space you need to pass ui container that holds target. See example below, press view source context menu to get source code.

    There is also combined version DataTransformTool.

  3. And finally UIConnector. Probably the most useful one. It connects UI target with transform tool. It based on DataConnector and automatically creates model object from ui target. Example of using it I showed in previous post.

Source code: Project home page.
ASDoc:  API ASDoc.
Required Flex SDK version: SDK 4.5

Sunday, October 9, 2011

PopUp window with light point behind

Just want to share with you this cool popup window container. I extended it from SkinnablePopUpContainer and added custom cover with ligt shader behind popup. I decided to make popup in IPhone style. Shader filter was created with PixelBender tool, actually I changed a little bit light point filter that I created long time ago. Press view source context menu to get source code. 

Required Flex SDK version: SDK 4.5

Enjoy !