Today I'll explain you how to create skin for tool and what skin parts it uses. If you look at default skin for tool you'll see following:
1. States.
States determines if key modifiers is pressed. If on start of transformation shift button pressed then tool will be switched into "shiftPressed" state until transformation complete. Priority shift, ctrl, alt. You can put some modification on states for example if shift pressed then maintain aspect ratio.
2. Cursor manager.
Here you can add cursors for each control. Property "maintainRotation" specifies whether cursor should be rotated automatically to take the same angle as tool (you can see it with default resize cursor). Also here you can specify hint popup (specify your custom skin), it automatically shows under current cursor position with specified offset while transformation is in progress.
4. Bounding group
5. Controls
You can specify as many controls as you want and add to them different operations. Property "anchor" on Control object would specify Anchor ui object that would be switched into anchor state while operation is in progress. Property "anchor" on Operation specifies position of ahchor relative to tool size (point [0.5, 1] means that anchor is width*0.5, height*1). If you don't specify it then anchor would be given from control's anchor (center of it in tool's coordinate space), if control's anchor also is not specified then default value [0.5,0.5] would be given.
6. Anchor
Control can be used as UI anchor but if you have for example rotate operation where anchor is center than you can put there special Anchor object thet will be shown while rotation.
See below some examples with different skins. Press view source context menu to get source code.
SWC: Transform Tool 2 version 2.5.0.
Source code: Project home page.
Required Flex SDK version: SDK 4.5